Houseplant Propagation in Water

The complete guide to propagating house plants from stem cuttings

One of the most gratifying things you can do as a plant parent is to make a new baby plant and watch it grow! There’s lots of ways to do this, from planting seeds to soil propagation, air layering or division, or my personal favorite: stem cuttings in water! This method works perfectly with many…

Snake plant with ornamental leaves at home

The complete guide to caring for your snake plant (Dracaena/Sansevieria trifasciata)

If you’re looking for a low-maintenance yet stylish plant for home, you’ve found it! Snake plants are super resilient, can live in relatively low light and can tolerate drought-like conditions (perfect if you are a chronic under waterer!) The snake plant (officially named Dracaena trifasciata, formerly known as Sansevieria trifasciata) is part of the Asparagaceae…

A Person Planting Plants on Pots

A beginner’s guide to house plant routines (What to do daily, weekly, monthly and seasonally for your plants)

You saw the cutest plant while you were out shopping and decided it had to be yours! Yay! 🎉 You brought it home…found the perfect spot for it…it’s looking cute… But now what?? Whether this is your first houseplant, or you’re starting to build your collection, you’re probably wondering what kind of “plant chores” you…

House plant potting soil mix recipe

How to choose the right soil for your plants (Plus my DIY potting soil recipe!)

I have to admit, for the first decade in my plant parent journey, I didn’t put any thought AT ALL into the type of soil I had my plants in. For the most part, I kept all of my plants in an all purpose potting soil mix that I picked up at Walmart, a hardware…

The complete guide to caring for your rubber plant (Ficus elastica)

The complete guide to caring for your rubber plant (Ficus elastica)

Rubber plants have always been a favorite of mine. I love that they look like little trees in your home. I personally have two different varieties, a classic rubber plant and a Tineke (which I adore!) I can’t get enough of their big, beautiful, glossy leaves! Rubber plants are also relatively easy to care for,…

The complete guide to caring for your monstera plant

The complete guide to caring for your monstera plant

If you’ve been hanging out in plant communities on social media over the past few years, you’ve certainly seen a monstera plant…or hundreds of monstera plants! 😂 Everyone is lusting over the latest rare monstera or spilling the tea about where to find the coveted Thai Constellation for a great deal! There’s good reason for…

Green Pilea Peperomioides Plant with White Pot on Wooden Table

The complete guide to caring for your pilea peperomioides (Chinese money plant)

My little pilea peperomioides is definitely a contender for the cutest plant I own! I love its little round leaves and the fact that it’s super easy to care for (something I appreciate as my plant collection grows!) Originating from southern China and part of the Urticaceae family, the pilea peperomioides (aka Chinese money plant)…

Spider Plant in a Wooden Crate 

The complete guide to caring for your spider plant

Spider plants are one of those plants that give me a nostalgic feeling—probably because so many of us had them in our homes growing up! And they are popular for good reason: spider plants are one of the easiest plants to care for! While they might not be the most exciting plant, I personally think…

Green Plant Beside White Wall
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The complete guide to caring for your pothos plant

If you’re a beginner plant parent, or just love plants in general, then you need a pothos plant in your life! Pothos are one of my favorite plants. They’re easy to care for, grow quickly and have many varieties that are oh-so-aesthetic with their long trailing vines! The pothos plant (Epipremnum aureum aka devil’s ivy,…